Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm

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Getting the Most Out of Industry Conferences

Michael Lamm shares tips to maximize learning experiences at face-to-face conferences and through online seminars.

Conferences and trade shows in the accounts receivable management industry are extremely valuable learning and networking opportunities for your company, if you make the most of these events. “One of the questions that keeps coming up from executives and future leaders in the industry is about budgeting and getting ready for which events to go to in 2020,” Lamm said on the latest episode of “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm” featured on ACA Cast.

Tune in to “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm” to hear more about the value of in-person and online learning, especially for industry up-and-comers, and how to use the information learned going forward.

Developing Rock Stars!

Effectively managing and developing staff can be among the most rewarding, yet challenging responsibilities faced by a leader. And, it’s twice as hard if the leader runs a small company focused on compliance, generating new business – and keeping the lights on.

To help sift through some of these issues, ACA International asked Michael Lamm, managing partner at Corporate Advisory Solutions, to talk about tactics, strategies and solutions to developing staff in the latest episode of ACA Cast’s Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm, titled “Developing Rock Stars.” Tune in to hear Lamm, along with ACA’s Kim Coghill, vice president of communications, and Alex Szeto, ACA Cast producer, chat about problem solving, identifying weaknesses and strengths, and face-to-face discussions with employees.

Mentoring: Helping the Next Generation Succeed

In the latest episode of “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm,” ACA International staffers Kim Coghill and Alex Szeto engage in an informative dialogue with Michael Lamm, who outlines tips and benefits related to mentoring and coaching accounts receivable management industry professionals. “Our industry is unique,” Lamm said, noting employees need specific skills, training and constructive feedback to appropriately perform. “Having people in an organization who are willing to not only offer up advice, but to take an employee under their wing for guidance makes a tremendous difference in creating an environment where staff succeeds and isn’t lost to attrition.”

Managing Conflicts

Management experts agree that workplace conflict is a natural, unavoidable occurrence that surfaces in every office and in every relationship. Of course, the key is to identify conflict and appropriately manage it so that everyone involved has a voice and learns something positive.

In the latest episode of ACA Cast titled “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm: Managing Conflicts,” listeners will hear tips and strategies for working through office conflicts by creating an environment that encourages and promotes open communications and accepts instructive criticism. Michael Lamm, managing partner at Corporate Advisory Solutions and the featured speaker on an ACA Cast monthly episode, shares his insights based upon his successful career working with ARM professionals at the most junior and senior levels of employment.

Aside from creating an office that encourages honest feedback among employees, Lamm strongly urges listeners to avoid seeking to resolve conflict via email or other forms of electronic communications. “If you have a problem, it is always better to handle it face-to-face versus using email because email can be interpreted in in so many different ways…and it can lead to the problem reoccurring or getting worse,” Lamm said.

Launching a Grassroots Campaign in Your Community

Despite the valuable economic contributions made each day by accounts receivable management professionals, the industry remains one of the most misunderstood, heavily regulated business sectors in the United States. As an employee or business owner associated with the industry, you can help reshape the narrative by actively engaging your community leaders with accurate information about this important business sector.

In this episode of “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm,” listeners will hear tips on becoming an active member of your community known for educating consumers, lawmakers and others about the value of the industry. “Leadership Fuel with Michael Lamm” is a regular ACA Cast series featuring Michael Lamm, the managing partner at Corporate Advisory Solutions in Philadelphia.

Tech Transformation

This highly-informative episode of ACA Cast features Michael Lamm, the managing partner at Corporate Advisory Solutions, who discusses “Tech Transformation” and how leaders need to be focused on the ways these transformations will impact their businesses and the industry overall. Lamm encourages listeners to anticipate shifts in communications by understanding consumers, engaging in ongoing education opportunities and networking with professionals.

Leadership Fuel

A positive, uplifting work environment conveys appreciation to employees. In the first episode, Michael Lamm, managing partner at Corporate Advisory Solutions LLC, discusses creating a positive, transparent work environment that inspires employees to achieve greatness.

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