Behind the Curtain: Tim Collins


Tim Collins on Challenging the Status Quo

Being curious and wanting to learn new things is exciting and challenging. But Tim Collins has never been satisfied with just doing something challenging. He wants to go beyond. And the next step beyond learning is questioning, meaning — if you think you know something, what if you were wrong? Put another way, doing things the same just because it’s the way that it’s always been done is a recipe for stagnation and withering away to nothingness.

For example, look at Uber and Lyft and Airbnb, Collins mentioned during his time “Behind the Curtain” with Mike Gibb and Michael Lamm of Corporate Advisory Solutions. They took something that had worked for decades — taxis and hotels — and upended the business model by challenging the status quo. Companies in the accounts receivable management industry need to challenge the status quo if they are going to grow, Collins said.

In partnership with Lamm and the team at Corporate Advisory Solutions, is thrilled to publish the latest interview in the “Behind the Curtain” series. The objective of the series is to engage in discussions with leaders of the accounts receivable management industry to learn more about their origin story, their view of the industry today, and their vision for how the industry is going to change in the future.

A new Behind the Curtain is released every two weeks. If you know someone who would make for a good candidate, please email  Mike Gibb.

Each video is broken down into six parts, to make it easier to watch. Enjoy!

Part 1:

Part 2:

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

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