Why Debt Link?
Identifying and connecting with Collection & Recovery Vendors is harder than it should be. Association directories are limited to paying members and provide only very simple alphabetized listings. Google results are increasingly riddled with sponsored ads. Our Mission at DebtLink is to simplify and distill the process of identifying Collection & Recovery Vendors with expertise in the problem you are looking to solve.
DebtLink provides Collection and Recovery Professionals with a single, comprehensive, searchable directory of specialized vendors including Collection Agencies, Collection Law Firms, Debt Buyers, M&A Advisors, Brokers, Skip Tracers, Software providers, Asset Search Vendors, Licensing Advisors and more.
DebtLink is operated by ARM industry veterans, Chris Runci and Chris Murphy, who together have more than 50 years of combined experience in consulting, debt sales, debt purchasing, debt brokerage and third-party contingency services. With vendor memberships starting at $299/year DebtLink fills a massive industry void.